I was born and spent most of my childhood in Nairobi, Kenya. I became aware of conflict at an early age after personal experience of tribal/ethnic conflicts, members of my family had been forced to flee different parts of the country because they were a minority tribe. Other issues of difference became prevalent during my school years as some of my friends had left warzones like Somali, Sudan, Rwanda and so forth so I developed a keen interest in trying to work out what separates/unites humans. Whilst in England, I completed my degree in social sciences and did my dissertation on the plight of asylum seekers and refugees in UK which was disheartening but a learning experience all the same. I currently work as an equalities and inclusion officer as a member of the racial Justice Network. This involves tackling racial inequality and social injustice head-on with systems, authorities or individuals. Through empowering individuals and communities with knowledge and information so as to stand up for themselves and have a bigger voice/impact. This also includes giving information to organisations or individuals as sometimes unfair treatement is born out of ignorance.