Facilitators & Speakers

Susan Treadwell
Lab 3 Participant

Korean by birth, American by culture and citizenship, and an adopted European by choice and social values, I now live in Sitges, Spain which reminds me a great deal of where I grew up near San Francisco. My connection to Europe goes back to my final year in high school when I was lucky enough to spend a year abroad in Germany. I was able to witness up close and in real time the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989-1990. It was this historic event, among many others in those heady days that cemented my belief in the power of the people to change the world for the better. I worked for over a decade to support human rights and accountability activists in Central and Eastern Europe to make their societies more open and accountable until last year. Since then, with the European project in crisis, I have been focused on finding ways to tap into the widespread social protest movements across Europe to promote structural reforms that will make the EU more open, democratic, and accountable. The world badly needs Europe’s leadership on social, economic, and climate justice. No European country can shoulder that burden on its own.

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