Campaign Lab is a 6-month training programme for economic, environmental and social justice campaigners.
Facilitated by NEON.
Founding partners: NEF, the Finance Lab and PIRC.
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The course is made up of 6 sessions – including two retreats – over 7 months (there is no session in August). Each session is supported by visiting speakers and coaches with expertise in economic, political and systems change.
Between sessions, participants undertake reading and attend action learning groups (small groups helping each other solve practical problems) and will keep track of their own learning. We are also considering additional short sessions for participants to dive into critical issues in more depth, for example on the financial system or on framing and narrative building.
By the end of the course you’ll be able to:
The course is based on a belief that participants can teach each other as much, if not more, than the “teachers” can! So we design all of the sessions for maximum participation – where every voice is heard and where we learn from one another’s experience. Each session builds on the last and the time between sessions allows participants to implement their learning. It is therefore essential for participants to attend all sessions. There are certain topics that we have learnt from Campaign Labs 1-3 are essential and these form the backbone of the programme. However, we are open to suggestions on other topics and on course design from participants, especially as the course progresses.
How are the economic, social and environmental problems we face connected? And what can we learn from theory and past experience about how meaningful change happens (for better and worse)?
How do we take action in ways that place liberation of marginalised people at its core? How do we avoid reproducing the oppressions that we seek to overcome? What kind of leadership is needed for this? What kind of leader do you want to be?
What do effective campaigns strategies look like for tackling these big messy problems? What are the effective, practical campaigns that can help get us there?
How could we run our organisations to feel like open, friendly and effective places to work? How do we make them accessible to people from all backgrounds? How do we overcome the competitive nature of many of our organisations? How do we effectively collaborate?
What is our movement? What is it currently getting right – and getting wrong? How do we strengthen and diversify it? How do we tackle power and privilege seriously?
Where do we go from here? How will we work together to build the campaigns and organisations we need to win?
We are looking for 24 participants from 12 organisations or groups.
We want to break the dominance of white, middle-class, straight, able-bodied, cis-gendered men in our movements. We actively encourage and provide support to people not currently represented in campaigning communities; in particular women, people with disabilities and people of marginalised cultures, faiths and ethnicities.
We are looking for pairs of campaigners, organisers and activists who:
We’ve found this process works best when your organisation or group works with you on your project and supports the programme. Therefore, although not essential, we favour applications from organisations that:
A place costs us around £3,000 for the six month programme (staff costs, travel, food, venues, accommodation, guest speakers, materials).
Where possible, we ask organisations to contribute to these costs
In the application process it is up to you to choose your price banding. We don’t want to exclude any participants from the programme (even those from larger organisations). We can also provide some support for those without the funds to travel to London. Please speak to us about this if you have any questions.
The course gives participants access to a set of skills, knowledge and connections that you can’t get elsewhere. Graduates are better able to lead strategy, design campaigns and projects and run the sessions that develop them. They have a better understanding of how movements work and how to lead change. They come back more confident, passionate and better connected.
Finally, sending your campaigners on Campaign Lab is also a way of investing in a wider movement. In the kinds of skills, ideas and processes that we all need – as the testimonies show.