I’m Jules. I work as a Community Organiser for Generation Rent. I begin my career as a CO last October, previously I worked for the Police service as civilian staff in the control centre, which I loved. However after suffering ill health and needing extensive hospital treatment I was no longer able to work, and was told by my consultant that I had to accept the fact I would not be well even to work again. But I wouldn’t accept that. I wanted to prove them wrong, and set about finding a job which meant I could do that and which meant I could go back to being able to say my work really made a difference. Then I found Community Organising. I fell in love with it, and the work ethic before it really struck a chord with me, ‘never give up’, ‘find your voice and be heard’ and lastly the one I could really relate to which was ‘don’t just accept things, challenge them’. I am a great believer in positivity, if you can change something for the better then never give up until you’ve achieved it. In my role at Generation Rent I will be driving forward a social movement for better rights for people in the private renter sector, and I cannot wait to see what happens next…