I have been involved with a wide range of groups and organisations. I have worked directly with people suffering from oppression since the early 1990’s. I was a Welfare Rights Worker for Young People at a Trade Union unemployed Centre, I a Housing Advice Worker at Glfoysh a small charity based in Gloucester which I also ran for several years. I also worked for Shelter in a peer education project where I made films with young people around housing issues. I have also done freelance film making and have an MA in documentary film making. I currently work for Transition Network where I develop systems of support for Transition Groups Internationally. Outside of work I have helped setup Neighbourhood Projects, was involved in running Bristol Indymedia for 5 years, run my own website www.permanentculturenow.com and www.alternativebristol.com have been involved in putting on radical events for Bristol Radical History Group and Bristol Anarchist Bookfair amongst other things. I am currently involved in Bristol Neon as part of the organising group and have helped organise the Local Organisers get together. Through this work I have developed a range of skills and knowledge on running organisations, developing projects, developing systems of support, engage communities and so on. I have read widely around economics, politics, sociology and psychology. I studied at Ruskin College and Bristol University where I read Sociology and Social Policy and have an MA in Documentary Film Making where I focused on film making and social change. I am really interested in psychology and social change and how networks develop, as well as systems thinking and cybernetics. Outside of work, I am interested in growing food on my allotment and my back garden and building stuff out of scrap wood. I also write electronic music and am currently learning to play the guitar quite badly. I am really interested in linking up with other people in other movements and sharing skills and experience.